Off Market Negotiation | CCC - CCC

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Off Market Negotiation

We understand selling or buying a off market property is often the largest financial decision many of our clients will ever make in their lifetime.  Choosing an experienced intermediary is an extremely important step.  Communications Consultants Corp. understands completely that the only deals that get done are those where both parties feel equitably compensated and those which culminate in a win-win situation.

All parties must feel they were treated fairly, ethically and professionally.  Obviously, a Seller wants to obtain maximum value for the Property. Communications Consultants Corp. helps owners obtain full value for their Right to Use and structure the deal with the most favorable outcome.

Communications Consultants Corp. begins this process by Submitting all information to the appraisal department for the current market value, marketing the Property confidentially and professionally, and carefully screening buyers in order to ultimately bring forth the right buyer for the Property.  

Usually, the owner of an Off-Market property is interested in procuring a buyer who will not only pay a fair price but will also go through with the deal! For a successful sale to occur, the buyer and seller must personally like and trust one another.  Communications Consultants Corp. fully understands this and we strive to provide optimal service to both sellers and buyers while transacting each sale.

80 state street
Albany, New York 12207
Toll free: 888 768 2033
Fax: (518) 675 0621
Comunications Consultants Corp. 2023
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