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About us

Our mission is to help our clients create such high levels of value that together we set new standards of excellence in our respective industries.

Passion & Commitment
We have a passion for results aligned with our clients’ success, and a commitment to the highest level of professionalism and ethical standards in everything we do.
We combine bold thinking with a practical approach that focuses on getting the job done, turning decisions into action and delivering results.
Results, not reports
We opened our doors on the principle that clients should get results—not just reports—from their consultants. We broke the rules by developing customized strategies that helped clients beat their competition. We continue to work with ambitious clients who want to define the future, not hide from it.

Putting our money where our mouth is
We have various "tied economics" arrangements with our clients, allowing us to better align our financial incentives with client outcomes. Our people are passionate about delivering tangible results for clients, and these arrangements make our commitments more than a promise. We succeed only when our clients do.
Are you interested in investing in the Auberge and Hospitality industry? Are you a well-known Auberge and Hospitality business with a need to boost your services and margins? Are you aspiring to raise funding to acquire business, expand an acknowledged business or obtain new resources? If you responded YES to any of these inquiries, CCC is here to be of service.

We are aware that singling a consultancy firm to work side by side with you and your business, regardless of the discipline, is a wearisome enterprise; therefore, the best example we can give you is the following: imagine being told that you need to have brain surgery immediately! Do you go for the neurosurgeon that has been practicing for many years, that has made several mistakes and has been able to learn and better himself and his practice, or, do you go for the new neurosurgeon who has yet to learn from his mistakes?

CCC is staffed by consultants with amplitude experience from several specialties within the Auberge and Hospitality industry that have obtained the necessary experience to avoid past errors and who are teaching newcomers the right way to do business. As a result we are able to better your expectations.

80 state street
Albany, New York 12207
Toll free: 888 768 2033
Fax: (518) 675 0621
Comunications Consultants Corp. 2023
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